Author: cathymoser

Noah Stocks the Red Round Barn

Owing to steel-blue grass rooted in top of soil nourished by limestone and plenty of good water, the Bluegrass Country in Kentucky was exceptionally well suited for horse breeding. Nineteenth century Kentucky horsemen were passionate about breeding Thoroughbreds and would breed only the finest stallions to the finest mares.  But American Thoroughbred breeding has its […]

Doncaster Round Barn

The Doncaster Round Barn near Twin Bridges is one of the most beloved and famous barns in Montana. Built in 1882, it is considered an extraordinary example of the state’s rural architecture. The barn is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, has a berth in the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame, and is […]

Noah Armstrong: Silver Baron

Noah Armstrong, one of the characters in my book, laid his foundation for breeding expensive horses by first becoming a mining success. He and his wife were raising three children on their Minnesota farm when hearing news reports of gold seekers by the thousands rushing to California, to the Pacific Northwest, and the Rocky Mountains […]

A Wicked Horse Named Ornament

‘Ornament’ is defined as an added decoration to make something more beautiful. ‘Ornament’ brings to mind beautifully decorated Christmas trees during a season that calls on us to spread goodwill and cheer to everyone. One year ago, on the evening of December 19, I submitted the manuscript of When Montana Outraced the East: The Reign of […]

  Grandpa Melin Takes Me to the Racetrack   The path to writing When Montana Outraced the East: The Rise of Western Thoroughbreds, 1886-1900, started early. I have loved horses ever since I can remember. My grandfather Axel Melin loved the sport of horse racing, especially the harness races with its Standardbreds. I wish I […]